Candid Coverage
Honest Affordable Screenplay Analysis by James Jordan
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Writer's Questionnaire

Writer(s) Name(s): _____________________________________________________
     E-Mail Address: ____________________________________________________
     Phone : _________________________________________
     Script Title: ________________________________       Genre: _____________
     Script’s Logline: (Required)___________________________________________
1.       How did you hear about “Candid Coverage”?
2.       Have you ever been compensated for any kind of writing, such as screenwriting, copywriting, journalism, etc.? If yes, please list.
3.       How long have you been writing screenplays or teleplays?   _________
4.       How many scripts have you written to date? _______
5.       How many drafts have you done of this particular script?   _____
6.       Have you done a treatment, outline or beat sheet before writing the final script?
___ Treatment       ____ Outline      ____ Beat sheet     ____ None of these
7.       Are you a member of a writer’s group? Have they reviewed this script? Have you received feedback about your script in some other way?
8.       How many produced scripts (shooting scripts) have you read before?
a) None          b) 1-10            c) 10-25          d) 25-50         e) Over 50
9.       Have you received professional coverage before? If yes, what did you find most and least helpful about the coverage?    _________________________________________________________________

Submission Guidelines
"Mini Candid Coverage"
"Greenlight Story Coverage"
Candid Coverage for Features
Candid Coverage for TV Pilots
Re-Submission Rates
Discounts and Rush Charges
Writer's Questionnaire