"Candid Coverage" (6-10 Pages)
for Feature-Length Screenplay is $375
Analysis of script’s strengths and weaknesses, Commercial Appeal, Budget Analysis, and Industry Evaluation Grid.
Note: If same script is rewritten and resubmitted, the revised coverage is only $250, (please see "Re-Submission Rates" page for details).
The full “Candid Coverage” package includes:
-- Complete Script Coverage (6-10 pages): Analysis of script’s strengths and weaknesses, Commercial Appeal, Budget Analysis, and Industry Evaluation Grid
-- Sample pages from commercially successful scripts that are genre appropriate, so writers can compare their scripts to professionals’ writing
-- "Reference Material for Screenwriters" lists places where writers can study brilliantly crafted scripts for free or very inexpensively, including a list of recommended scripts, as well as other supplemental materials
-- An article about the writing philosophy of David Milch, the inspiring television writer, which includes his famous writing exercise (guaranteed to make writers better who take the exercise seriously)
If you chose to pay with PayPal, please add $15.00 to cover the transaction fee. Please read the "Submission Guidelines" completely before paying.